Sweating is a natural process and cannot be stopped. The bacteria in our underarms release foul odors that we acknowledge as body odor.
Chemical-based deodorants have been used for decades to fight lousy body odor. We have believed that they are the best for us without being concerned about their content.
The truth is that conventional deodorants contain a chemical that can harm our skin and make the body odor more worse after prolonged use.
Natural deodorant is a very healthy option as compared to the traditional ones. However, one should note that they cannot stop the process of sweating.
Waff is an initiative towards healthier living. Our deodorants are made from 100 percent natural ingredients.
There are multiple reasons to replace your conventional deodorants and antiperspirants with natural deodorants.
Let’s try to understand better how these natural alternatives help us in the long term.
Pooja: Let’s start with the basics. Tell us, how does deodorant work?
Ronak: when we do some physical work, our sweat glands activate, and we start sweating at our armpits. There are bacteria present in the skin that mix with the sweat and start breaking it down. Foul body odor is the result of this breakdown.
Many of us believe that deodorants can relieve us of intense sweating, in contrast to their purpose. Deodorants do not work on sweat glands. Instead, they kill the bacteria to stop it from mixing with sweat to produce a foul odor.
Their primary ingredient is some anti-bacterial compound such as Triclosan that prevents bacterial contamination in our armpits while sweating. The other ingredient is the fragrance. Deodorant fights the body odor and transforms the odor into a good smell. They also use parabens and other chemicals that act as a preservative helping in the stay of the deodorant.
Coming to Natural Deodorants, they perform the same with natural ingredients. They replace the synthetic disinfectants with natural disinfectants such as plant-based astringents, use essential oil for good smell and add naturally occurring moisture-absorbing powders to keep the underarms dry. Thus, natural deodorant can be said to be a revolution in personal care. It naturally mitigates the lousy odor and uses ingredients that can reduce the size of the sweat pores.
Pooja: What is the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant?
Ronak: Most of us have been using both deodorants and antiperspirants without even the slightest idea that these two are different products with different working principles. Sometimes, some products are labeled to work as both. It is essential to understand the difference as we apply them to our skin.
Deodorants work on the bacteria that generate lousy odor and then add good fragrance to the body odor. Antiperspirant directly works on the sweat glands. It blocks the pores to stop the generation of sweat. Both are entirely different mechanisms.
Besides the mechanism, there are other differences as well. Since antiperspirants work on your glands, they need to get a nod from the Food and Drug Administration authorities.
Deodorants do not undergo such strong invigilation and can be easily bought as a regular cosmetic product. Antiperspirants can be categorized into over-the-counter antiperspirants and prescription antiperspirants.
None of this is valid for deodorants. One should always stay aware while purchasing an antiperspirant for its substantial effect on the body. Check the expiry date and ensure that it stays good for many more days.
Deodorants are best for regular use. On the other hand, antiperspirants are best used after heavy physical work such as workouts and athletics. This is because they can help reduce sweat, which ultimately works on the foul odor.
Pooja: So, we want to sweat…but without smell. What are some other reasons why antiperspirants can be problematic?
Ronak: I will talk to the point. Antiperspirants use aluminum-based ingredients to stop the sweat. This ingredient temporarily works on the sweat gland, blocks it, and prevents the sweat from flowing out and coming to the skin surface. Many types of research have been conducted to examine the impact of these perspirants.
When we apply the antiperspirant on the moist underarms, there are very high chances of its ingredients getting absorbed by the skin, which can affect hormones similar to estrogen.
Many scientists doubt that the aluminum-based substance in the antiperspirant can cause breast cancer or contribute to the growth of breast cancer cells. While nothing is confirmed, the high probability is worth re-thinking your choices.
Some researchers also question the use of parabens that are generally used as a preservative in antiperspirants. They have been found in breast tumors, which examines their use.
Furthermore, the fragrances used in an antiperspirant increase the risk of developing allergic reactions and conditions such as Allergic Contact Dermatitis(ACD). In addition, the prolonged use of these products can hurt our hormones.
Natural deodorants are great alternatives to ward off such health problems. You can explore the natural deodorants for men by Waff especially created with men’s physique in mind. There is an exclusive variety of natural deodorants for women also.
Pooja: Are natural deodorants better for your health?
Ronak: There are many benefits associated with natural deodorants.
• Sweating is a natural process to maintain the temperature balance in the body. It is our natural cooling mechanism and should not be disturbed in a healthy body. Unlike deodorants and antiperspirants, natural deodorants allow your body to sweat. You can have both natural sweat and a very good body odor. Natural deo works only on bacteria and transforms bad smells into good using natural products such as essential oils.
• Deodorants and antiperspirants are known to worsen your body odor after prolonged use. However, this can be immediately stopped with natural deodorants. In addition, natural deodorants allow good bacteria to work on the sweat and positively impact your health.
• Natural deodorants do not have any side effects on the skin and hormones. This implies that you can be confident to use these natural alternatives. Stay carefree without thinking about the impact after long-term use.
Pooja: Which is a better deodorant for the winter season?
Ronak: In the winter season, we sweat significantly less, but this does not mean we will not have body odor. Also, the skin becomes dry, which means you need to use skin products that are natural and nourishing. Deodorants can be used in limited quantities in winters. You do not need a deo as sweat is very little. Instead, you would need something more safe and fragrant. The fragrance is a go-to while selecting deodorants and perfumes for winters. Switch to safer and healthier options in the winter season. Products with alcohol can make your skin drier.
You can try Waff Products. They are made 100 percent from natural products. There is no alcohol and gas, which makes it safe for use in the winter season. It’s anti-bacterial and gentle on the skin. They have natural deodorants for women with incredible fragrances. The fragrances can alone let these products be declared as best deo for women. We also have some of the best deo for men in India.